On eLearnAfrica, you can study at home, whenever it is convenient. You can re-watch videos and access your course materials when you need to. Use the eLearnAfrica mobile app and study on the go.
eLearnAfrica makes available trustworthy programs from the best universities in the world. Verified certificates are available for many of these courses, which you can share online and show to prospective employers. Keep track of your courses in your Student Profile.
eLearnAfrica offers a number of degrees from fully accredited online universities. You can earn an Associate or Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Health Care, or Business Administration. You can even earn an MBA. Many courses also offer optional university credits. Students are responsible for verifying their ability to transfer credits.
Advance your career With hundreds of career-oriented classes and professional certificate programs, you can learn what you need to know to get ahead in your career. Use the "Career Skills" filter option to highlight career-oriented courses and programs.